Wisdom Wild | Full Moon in Cancer


Full Moon in Cancer

11 Jan 2017, by Fiona in moon&sky

170112_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Fullness
(exact @ 0343)

in Cancer

… and the waters flow


Nourish presence


Sun and Moon calls us to both feel in deeply to emotional realms within (Moon in Cancer); and ground firmly in Earth for stability in the outer world (Sun in Capricorn). We are also called to integrate each of the four elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – and apply their wisdoms in action (Cardinal Grand Cross). It is a calling for aligning the needs for peace, justice, cooperation (Jupiter in Libra), independence (Uranus in Aries), and the changes and release of old systems (Pluto in Capricorn). It is a time for clearing and cleansing; emphasizing heart-felt spiritual ideals, and for our finest expressions of love (Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces)


Feel into the healing waters
rich and flowing full
and into the heart-felt Spirit pull


In this place, clear, cleansed and blessed
wrapped in Light both gold and white
open to the wisdom of your inner sight


Tune to the fullness of Moon and
pour the wisdom into prayer-full hands
Honor and release All into the lands


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a deeply nourishing, self-honoring Moon time









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: crab: found on E-Bay | Madonna: from TS wallpapers