Wisdom Wild | Moon Full in Capricorn + P.Eclipse


Moon Full in Capricorn + P.Eclipse

04 Jul 2020, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 2144 PDT) + partial Lunar Eclipse (@ 2132 PDT) in Capricorn


… strength, nurturance, liberation… 


The times have been challenging, at times disturbing, often wearying. With this lunar eclipse we reach the end of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycles of the last 2.5 years. What was hidden has come to light, Truth has come to the surface, and there’s opportunity for spiritual liberation. We are in the process of a ‘reboot’ and, with this Moon, a wave of progressive energy flows in. Yippee! It’s time to honour lessons learned and open to change and new possibilities (eclipse + Moon-Uranus).


Various events, especially the eclipses, have shaken the energy and helped us to see what isn’t working. We’ve had to face restrictions and limitations (including those self-imposed within); and our survival instincts have been called to action. We’ve had to examine our feelings and commitments regarding personal and collective responsibility. Yes, things are still intense and there’s still ‘unfinished business’ (whole list: Capricorn effect esp Saturn in Cap) but now there’s some settling of energies, and idealism and optimism begins to filter in (Jup-Pluto-Neptune). We have continued support for our inner exploration and review of the past (5 planets Rx); and assistance in finding our courage and taking action on what matters (Mars-Aries). Feminine energy is high (8/11 planets in fem signs); empathy, understanding and kindness is on the rise (Sun-Neptune); and right now we are also blessed with increased intuition, insight and inspiration; and the power to stimulate liberation (Moon-Uranus).


With this Moon we are again challenged to blend, integrate or otherwise harmonize the head (Cap Moon) and heart (Cancer Sun). Cancer is focussed on emotional security and nurturing. Capricorn focusses on material security, responsibility and authority/control. Together they call us to honour both deep roots and our world purpose; and to strongly deepen self love and self care.


Time to lean into the strength of Seagoat, the protection of Crab, and the nurture of Earth and Sea. Time to clear-out and release whatever beliefs or behaviours continue to hold us back. Time to simplify and to protect what is sacred. Time to be clear about boundaries, trust intuition, and take strength from heart-knowing. Time to honour all the steps you have taken. Time to re-embrace you, all you have done, and all that you Be.


From the mountain top to the depths of the sea
Seek the wisdom of strength and serenity


Stand on Mountain and feel hir deep strength
Enter the power of Earth’s wavelength


In the watery depths connect with your soul
Attune your heart to all that makes things whole


Feel into Spirit and sweet harmony
Honour and celebrate all that you Be


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you feel your strength, claim your authority, and
nurture all that you Love and all that you Be this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image of sculpture at Disney World: sculptor/photog unknown