Wisdom Wild | First Full Moon 2015


First Full Moon 2015

04 Jan 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky

150104_test3-P1030810_x385Welcome the 1st Full Moon (exact at 2053pst) of the Calendar Year and of the solar year.


Here in the Northern Hemisphere already the daylight arrives a little earlier and lasts a little longer.


2015 begins with a strong Aquarian theme. Venus entered Aquarius yesterday; Mercury enters Aquarius today; and the sun and new moon will also enter Aquarius this month on January 20. Key themes: inclusivity, insight, inspiration.


Welcome new stories, new meanings, new possibilities, new endeavours, and new ways to express our inner wisdom.


The Sun comes together with soul-rising Plutmo and the Full Moon is in complete alignment to the ongoing Pluto Uranus square. Together they carry energy messages of transformation (Pluto); revolution (Uranus, ruler of Aquarius); and compassion and healing (Cancer Moon).


Today in the northern temperate rain forest, we are shrouded in mists. It feels like being inside a clouded Moon: full and still; soft and gentle; well held, safe and protected. Moon in watery Cancer carries forth receptive, feminine, nurturing energy. The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces (more water) bringing heightened intuition. A perfect time to open all our senses to receive the visionary messages that call forth from within.


Celebrate all that has come forth since Moon dark and Solstice and the year before. Honor the wisdom you have claimed and the foundations it has formed and fed. And now look to the gifts of this Cancer Moon.


The Cancer full Moon calls us to nurture ourselves, other humans, creatures, and Earth. Consider what is needed. Love, kindness, patience, gentleness, caring, compassion, and respect, are all powerful tools of transformation. Feel and heal. The New Paradigm emerges from and is grounded in the greatness and consistency of self care; it is from this that a loving humanity arises. Under the bright light of the Moon, ask for new vision, new awareness, and new ways of expressing that can mana-fest and feed this nurturing way of Being.
Yes, Dear Ones,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light