21 Sep 2015, by moon&sky in
As I suspect you know, solstices and equinoxes mark four powerful points of the year. Whatever honoring you do this Equinox will expand in the coming season (esp with additional aid of Jupiter grounded in Virgo).
Nest in the still point
in between
light-dark, high-low, bitter-sweet, yin-yang,
reaching out and reaching within,
and open your wings
Let the winds caress, swirl and
clear the way for seeds
gathered and deepened
this food of your dreams
Sit feather-light and open to the moment
blessed and nourished
by the gifts of each season
seeds, ripenings, harvest, and rest
Immerse full-filled in the receiving
Earth, Cosmos, You and All
Living Dream Being.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
sky background found on exec pc (original source unknown)
Photo of Fiona by Charlie Naylor;
sun image inspired by & drawn from limited edition eclipse print by Lakaawilas (from my personal collection)
Feather from painting by Fiona.