Moon Dark-New in Virgo
30 Aug 2019, by moon&sky in Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact @ 0337 PDT) in Virgo
… clarity, purification, healing, pragmatism
It is a season to get things done; to create order out of chaos; to attend to home; and, most of all, to revere and find sacred harmony with Earth, the source of our sustenance, creativity and power.
Feminine and Earth energy are very strong (9 planets in feminine signs, 8 of them in Earth). The power of Virgo (5 planets in Virgo, all relating to everyday world) continues to urge us to clean, clear, re-organize, re-set and re-centre inside and out. We are asked to make basic, practical concerns paramount and to focus on home, health, and our connection to Nature. We are called to purify, refine, and more deeply align with both our inner wisdom, and the heart of Earth.
There’s great potential for forward movement and significant progress (Uranus & Saturn both in trine with each of the 5 planets in Virgo) especially if we dismantle old patterns; let go of some ideals that no longer make sense; keep our thinking flexible; and stay open to new solutions. Fortunately the abundance of mutable energy lends us the energy of versatility, adaptability (something Virgo is good at even though she’s more keen to have thought-out plans) and a desire for change. We have support for healing (Uranus-Venus); self-assertiveness (Uranus-Mars); and maintaining emotional equilibrium (Saturn-Moon). We can expect our minds to be stimulated (Uranus-Merc); confidence to be elevated (Uranus-Sun) and our future vision to become more clear (Saturn-Venus).
Overall, we have increased drive,and we can expect increased clarity, clearing, healing and progress (even if it’s hard won). That said, there are some challenging aspects to the times. Emotional reactivity and/or internal or external power struggles may be activated (Pluto); there may be some challenges with relational dynamics (Venus) and/or containing/clearing anger (Mars). It may even feel like the essence of who we are is being threatened (Sun). For many people, levels of anxiety or worry are sparking up and often threatening to overwhelm. If this is so for you you’re not alone (Mars-stellium-new Moon). Breathe. Hold. Be strong. The affect is said to peak today and then will begin to fade (although we may still be feeling it for a couple of weeks yet).
We will need to do all we can to maintain a positive mind-set and find a place of peace which helps guard against or otherwise keeps us clear of confusion, over-thinking, worry, anxiety or fears that may make us overly cautious. It is time to maintain balance, remain centered. Time to purify and cleans. Time to tune to our intuition and to allow/invite support. It’s time to prepare to step through this Moon’s portal into the new.
Moon dark-new brings practical wisdom:
Revere Nature’s most sacred rhythms
When the times are a reeling
Time to move into healing
Unwind the vines of the morning glory
Time to review and recast your story
In the Earthy ground and the feminine deep
realign and re-vitalize all in your keep
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you be deeply Earthed in all that you do and
may you bravely create anew this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Virgo: cut & modified medallion source N/A | Morning Glories: Blue cut & mod from seed sale at Ali Express; Purple cut & mod from img found on National Gardening Assocn |