Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact @1328 PDT) in Taurus + Eclipse Season & Cross Quarter soon
… root, flow, embody, rebirth…
Moon dark-new marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle; and the co-occurring partial solar eclipse opens the portal to Eclipse season. Together they bring a mix of energies and energetic fields; and both challenge and opportunity. Although this might make for some volatility, gentle, nurturing, abundance energy (Taurus +Venus-Jup); and support for inward reflection (8/11 planets in feminine signs) will soften the effect. It’s time to root and flow (4 planets in Earth signs; 4 in Water); to open to change; and to transform our ways of Being.
As always, Moon dark-new invites us to rise from the dark and begin anew. In Taurus we are called to go slow; connect with nature & natural rhythms; revel in the senses and all that feels of Being ‘at home’; and enjoy all that is available in the present moment. Taurus season brings strength, stability, practicality, patience, simplicity, abundance, and deep nurture to the field. She brings us closer to our purpose and sense of destiny; and helps bring visions into form. Time to simplify, become more in-bodied, and to take ease more seriously ;). It’s time for re-birth.
The eclipse/eclipse season helps us to release, cleanse, break-through, and transform. Change, liberation, and opportunity are core themes of this eclipse and the season overall. We may be inspired to try something new, or change direction dramatically. As the season progresses, timelines may accelerate and things could happen very quickly (esp w Uranus in play). Together with Moon, we are called to shift. It’s time to shed the old and step into the new.
Cross Quarter
Now is also a time of festivals and celebrations. We are approaching the midpoint between Equinox and Solstice (exact May 5 @0525pdt). It is the time of the Cross-Quarter, a sacred point in the turning of the Wheel. *
In the South it’s a time to honour beginnings, endings and change; a time of gratitude of all that’s been given and received; and a time to set the pattern for what is to come.
Here in the North it’s a time to choose what to amplify and bring into form. It’s a time write dreams and wishes in tiny scrolls and hang them over streams, or attach them to the end of ribbons and let them blow in the wind. Time for the feminine and masculine to weave and dance together in balance and harmony.Time to honour and celebrate the fertility of Life and land.
And it’s Time to pause and to draw on Taurus wisdom. Time to tune to all that we value, would nourish and protect. Time to release what no longer serves. Time to embody ease, comfort and calm. Time to vision all we wish to call into Being. Time to ground and fortify intentions. Time to bring into form; and time to just Be. And time, always, to …
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Sending much Love, warm Hugs, and roaring purrs.
*The actual astronomical cross-quarter day and time varies from year to year but festivals and celebrations tend to occur by tradition on April 30/May 1. Festivals in the North include Beltane and May Day; in the South, Samhain.
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise notedMain Images: #1( top): Bull figurine: cut & modified photo from 2021 Shambala event | Eclipse: cut & modified photo from Google search (orig src n/a; think by physicist K. Pimbblet) |#2 Eclipse: cut & modified from Science News for Students | #3 Maypole & Lilac: Maypole from Hello Zukzuk blog; Lilac & spiral stick by Fiona | #4 Reclining bull: cut & modified photo by Dubois from her “la jeannoise” blog post 2013; rest of image components by Fiona