Wisdom Wild | Moon dark-New in Pisces


Moon dark-New in Pisces

12 Mar 2021, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact 210313 @0221 PST) in Pisces


… connection, flow, presence
    strength & surrender … 


Moon dark-new is a time for new possibilities and new beginnings. A time of clearing the ways and a time to plant our seeds of intention. In Pisces the focus is on spiritual health and well-being. This magical Moon invites us to tap into the ocean of oneness to forgive, to let go and to dream (Pisces new Moon is time of deepest dreaming). It is a time for sweet surrender (Neptune in Pisces); and a call to re-vision the future (Moon dark-new + Aries energy incoming soon)


In these final days of Pisces Sun, at the closing of a very challenging year, we are now blessed with a surge of gentle, peaceful, dreamy Piscean energy (4 planets in Pisces). Emotional and psychic sensitivity is high (water influence); imagination and creativity are heightened (Venus-Neptune); and heart wisdom easily guides us to beauty (Venus) and new inspiration (Neptune). Healing, faith, love and imagination are woven together (Moon, Sun, Venus, Neptune alignments) and we are infused with unconditional love and deepening Spirit connection. The potential for transforming (Moon-Pluto sextile) and for manifesting whatever we can imagine is enhanced (Venus-Nep). Change is upon us (astrol year end, Sun season shift & Equinox next week). It’s time to set our sights high.


It’s time to release of all that constrains or hampers a fullness of Being. Time to turn to the Muse and tune to inner wisdom. Time to feel into wonder. Time to flow with Life and do what inspires and evokes our passion. Time to refresh and replenish. Time to prepare for a new season and a new solar year. Time to imagine a desired future coming into bloom. Time to encourage new hopes and new dreams.


At Moon dark-new, release and dissolve
Imagine in new ways to evolve


With deep nurture, kindness, and deepest truth
seek paths that awaken, empower and soothe


Align with beauty, wisdom & Spirit and lean into flow
Feel into the stirring of the radiant seeds you will sow


New beginnings are on the rise
Simply Be, beauty-full and wise


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet release of all things past,
wondrous visioning, and
joyful new beginnings














IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image of sculpture by Anton Smit | Fish: cut & modified image of bookends by G.Garreau 1930 | Lily pond: cut & modified from wallpapertag