Dark Moon, Starry Sky
30 Mar 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings and Welcome Dark of the Moon in Aries (exact @1145pst).
A new cycle begins and the signs are that this cycle will be full. You’ve probably already heard rumblings of the time upcoming. Mars continues in retrograde; we have two eclipses (Apr 15 lunar, Apr 23 solar); a Uranus-Pluto square becoming a T-Square; and a fully-fledged Cardinal Grand Cross (Apr 20-23). Whoosh!
A lot of fiery energy bursting to be free and for us to be truly who we are. Yes, a cycle for initiating new projects, creating new starts, and shifting how things are done. In the Northern Hemisphere you need only feel into the land to feel this energy. In the South it has a different form and application, but the energy is the same. The planetary lineups are stirring things up.
There are those that speak of this upcoming ‘month’ as a crazy, explosive, uncertain and chaotic time. Of uh-oh and oh-dear and watch out, but by now you know I don’t have much interest in that kind of noise.
What truth there may be in this seeing ahead, is just more reason to deepen the inner work; to expand time in stillness listening to heart’s calls and whispers. More reason to further clarify, hone and honor the work for manifesting that which calls to be fed and watered. If there be chaos and uncertainty, then let me be open and spacious to receive the jewels that lie within (there’s so much creative energy in chaos & uncertainty ;)).
Now, it is the dark of the moon. A purrfect time to nourish oneself and create that spaciousness. Now is the time to prepare for the powerful influx of energy.
Immerse yourself in the warm, soft, gentle dark where wishes, dreams and possibilities are born. Watch for their sparkles in the cosmos of your being. Be still as you view the beginnings of another spiral form in a green grove under a starry sky.
The fern shoulders up through Earth and when hir full circle is arisen, then she unfurls slowly, gently, in grace and beauty, in hir own time and in accord with the nourishments which surround hir.
From within your curling circle, attend now to the sparkles that awake within. Attend now to fueling you and the new cycle arising. Imagine what fractal forms of beauty you will unfurl into the Light this cycle.
Call to Sacred ACTion
In this Dark of the Moon, create some quality time for yourself and soothing stillness.
Curl up with your Heart and Belly.
Reflect on what you want. Listen.
Reflect on what you need. Listen.
What does the inner wisdom within your heart and in your belly say to you?
Find two or three words that express the message. Make this your New Moon intention or affirmation.
And do share with friends, in comments below, or in facebook, that we may all receive and support the wisdom.
And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light