Wisdom Wild | Creature Teacher: Heron


Creature Teacher: Heron

13 May 2016, by Fiona in creatures

160513_P1020229_Heron4Gayle-CROP-ED_x300Creature Teacher: Heron
for the 1stQ Moon in Leo


This day we are again without planets in Air signs. Given what else is in play at the moment, Heron has come as our guide.


The current energies call us to allow space and time for transformation and evolution. Have you watched Heron standing so still in the shallows? Watched her moving so slow hardly a ripple is cast from her feet?


Heron knows stillness and patience. She knows how to create space and time, watchful for the moment of action. She knows how to approach opportunity at a leisurely pace, and then act in a flash.


Heron teaches us to take time to reflect on our values, our aims, our strengths, and our hindrances. As a lone hunter, she reminds us that each of us knows what is best for ourselves. Her message is to follow the heart truth of your inner wisdom, and walk the path of self-determination.


May you stand in stillness, fly on powerful wings, and
drink in each opportunity tuned to your heart!

Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


  • Katy Morse Reply

    Love this message Fiona, and all that your website is offering. Nicely done!

    • Fiona Reply

      Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for loving in :)