Capricorn Dark/New Moon & Solstice
21 Dec 2014, by moon&sky in
Welcome Capricorn (smiles with Capricorn here)
and Solstice (1503pst),
and Dark/New Moon (1736pst) !
Yippee! Celebrate the Light!
Today the new Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto are all is Capricorn. The Moon is at 00 degrees for a rare fourth month in a row. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is in harmony with this new moon sitting in Leo (big heart and warm). In a couple of days (Dec 23) Saturn moves into Sagittarius after 2 years in Scorpio. Remember, Saturn tests us, teaches us, and helps us create and acquire new infrastructure, new levels of wisdom and understanding. Yes, Uranus-Pluto brings change amidst it all!
Welcome the adventure!
All is now set for Rebirth. A dark moon will soon be graced with the first sliver of light. Winter Solstice marks the longest dark; beginning tomorrow in the north, there will be days of increasing light.
>>See Special Solstice Message here <<
It is a time of holydays across many cultures and traditions. Embrace the Spirit of the time! De-Light! Celebrate the Light! The Light within you! The Light of the sun and stars! The Light of the Moon reflections on the Waters. The Light of Love and of Magic! The Light of Wonder! Celebrate the wondrousness of yourselves and all the gifts and graces that you hold, are touched by, and those yet still to be imagined in to being.
Yes! It is a time to take time for pause. Time to release, surrender, receive. Receive from the stillness of the dark and the radiance of the Light. Open to the wonder and its nourishment. Yes, Dear Ones,
Nurture Your Nature
with Love & Light