Wisdom Wild | A Get-to… I Dare ya…


A Get-to… I Dare ya…

08 Mar 2014, by Fiona in Creative

GetTo – Dare for the day (I couldn’t resist)InternationalWomensDay_x385

First Quarter moon is perfect time to deepen what you know to work and be best.

It is also a great time to declare and honor those who inspire you to your best expression.

What a great day, International Women’s day, to start making a list!

Pick one person, someone particularly significant to you, and imagine/pretend you are this person; that this person is you.

How would this you express your piece of the RedThread this day?

Tell us! Show us! I dare ya! Double dare ya!
(Enter in comments below or on WisdomWild facebook page)


Nurture your Nature
with much Love and Light,

  • I chose to see the thread through the eyes of my AA sponsor who is now the mother of a daughter and soon to be married. I know she has challenges with a mom who is pretty narcissistic (as do I) and she is trying so hard to make a connection between her mom and her daughter. In the meantime, a lot of her feelings of disconnection are arising. If I were her, I would take my red thread and first, make a beautiful collage with pictures of me and my mom and my daughter photocopied and changed around…like putting my daughters face on my baby face and see my mother looking down at me/my baby or better yet, put my mother’s face where my infant daughter’s would be and actually try all the different configurations and put them inside a red thread circle of oneness and see how it feels.

    • Fiona Reply

      I love it! What a wonderful idea and sounds like some fun too. And will you, as her, make this journey? Just wondering…