Wisdom Wild | 1st Q Moon & Women’s Day


1st Q Moon & Women’s Day

08 Mar 2014, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greetings the First Quarter Moon and International Women’s Day!


Do you feel the energy rising?

The energy of the waxing 1st Quarter Moon appearing half lit (0527pst)

The energy of spring & equinox less than two weeks away

The energy of International Women’s Day!

Are you feeling the call to action?

The Red Thread


This image by Lisa J.Rough seems so appropriate for this day.


Earth, moon, stars; Horse for the year; earth-cosmos spiral; a flower for spring.


Women dancing, riding, reaching, birthing, rising as Phoenix from fire, gentled by waters, communing with creatures, in stillness and reflection.


It’s called “The Red Thread.” Of course, what else would it be? ;)

Give the Red Thread a little tug. Yes, we are here.

How will you express your piece of the Red Thread this day?


We set intention with the new moon. Now we are in motion readying and initiating the bringing in of new forms.


It is the time to anchor your intention and give it good foundation. Time to commit more deeply and empower action.


The seed sends down roots, the stem moves upward.


The movement forward requires deliberate effort and may have the company of resistance and struggle (old ways don’t often yield as easily as we might like). Have confidence. Have courage. Say “Yes” to challenges. Go ahead, do something that’s a little scary.


Connect with your inner wisdom, heart and gut. Find new ways to integrate your intention and yourself into the surround. And as always,


Nurture Your Nature

With Love & Light


* Checkout the WisdomWild – Gifts of the Rhinocerous for hir teachings.