Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-lit in Virgo


Waxing Moon Half-lit in Virgo

29 May 2020, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 2030 PDT) in Virgo


… presence, discernment, connection … 


Things are moving forward under the waxing Moon. Curiosity is peeked and both cerebral and creative energy flow quickly (4 planets in Gemini). In Virgo we become more discriminating, more sensitized to beauty, harmony and balance; and more drawn to practical action. At Moon half-lit, it’s time to pause, review and revise plans; and realign. Time to bring Spirit into form.


The energy of duality is heightened (half-lit Moon, Gemini, & Gem-Virgo together) and we are asked to look at opposing forces yet again. Of particular note, Virgo Moon craves responsibility and wants to develop detailed plans; Gemini Sun craves freedom and wants to change anything in the moment. Both seek to improve ‘results.’ Together they call us to nourish both their wants and move thought to action; bring Spirit into form; and improve health and well-being for ourselves and All.


Things may get a bit ‘heady’ in the process (both Virgo & Gem have active minds) and we could find ourselves flying off on flights of fancy (Gemini). Fortunately we are graced with strong Earth energy to keep us grounded (4 planets in Earth signs) and focussed. To further keep us grounded, we’ll continue to find ourselves drawn to home and family; to more refined information; and to nurturing and caring (Merc now in Cancer). There are opportunities for strongly connecting to our Spirit/soul-centered values (Venus-Rx); and for healing, increased self-acceptance, and creating/embracing liberation in new ways (Sun-Chiron). Acceptance, rationality and thoughtfulness (Merc-NN) will be key themes as we continue our ongoing balancing act as much is dismantled and restructured in these challenging times (Jup-Sat-Pluto).


This is a time for balance and discernment. A time to harness our focus. A time to initiate practical action. Time to breathe deep and be filled with peace and Love and harmony. Time to move our wishes, dreams and visions into form.


Dark and Light, black and white
Hands in Earth, minds delight


Rooted deep stretch to the skies
Seek the patterns that surprise


Brilliant rainbows and muted grays
Time to enact your wisdom’s ways


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you heart-blessed action and Love-filled freedom this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image found at Etsy | Bear: cut & modified image from Colorado State U | Buttercups: cut & modified images found on BC Invasives and on BeeMentor