Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-lit in Taurus


Waxing Moon Half-lit in Taurus

12 Feb 2019, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @1426 PST) in Taurus


… simple pleasures
… grounded strength & stability


Momentum gathers with the waxing Moon and there may be a sense of increasing urgency to clear the field and get things done (Sun in final degrees Aqua +Mars-Uranus). Now half-lit, we are called to pause, center, and tune to how we feel and what it is we truly wish to create and cause.


In Taurus, we are offered strength, grounding and stability (continued support comes with Mars>Taurus Thursday). Simple pleasures are favored – especially those concerned with good food, good company, sensual beauty and whatever makes us feel most at home. Taurus’ main aim is inner peace so don’t be surprised if desires for security, serenity, peace and comfort are strong. Things may move a bit slower but Taurus proceeds with a steady pace; material actions yield solid results. Together with Sun, we are invited into the challenge of learning the art of comfort (Taurus) and the art of r-evolutionary living (Aqua).


We are well-advised to draw on Taurus energy this week given the rather intense, high-powered and somewhat volatile energy being activated/agitated at the moment (Mars-Uranus conjunction in final degrees of Aries). The energy may give rise to feelings of restlessness or edginess and there is a strong urge to break through and break free of old routines and limitations. We will need to remain adaptable. Fortunately, creative abilities are enhanced (yay!). Expect the unexpected,  and expect a new level of truth to emerge.


This is a time when heart and soul, feelings and evolutionary drive, dance and mingle (Moon-Pluto trine). A time to move slow and steady. A time to release the pressure valve a little. A time for more deep breaths, more pauses, more walks, more time-outs. A time for patience and persistence.  A time for calmness and trust. A time to take steps forward in personally revolutionary ways.


Under Moon half-lit it’s time to pause
Seek what you wish to create and cause


Whatever has hampered now release
Choose whatever gives comfort and ease


Hold peace inside the vessel of ambition
Time to awaken your grounded magician


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you strength, stability and ease-full forward movement this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Taurus: cut & modified: source N/A| Hathor: cut & mod image found at Goddess Gifts | lavender: composite made from image found in Country Life