Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Scorpio


Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Scorpio

18 Aug 2018, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome  Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 180818 @ 0049 PDT) in Scorpio (moving into Sag in a few hours)


… balance, review, trust, act


The waxing Moon is lighting things up and there’s some shifting going on that provides more access to elemental wisdom (Mars-R now in Cap), more sunny ease (Moon>Sag later this morning), and the beginnings of forward movement (Mercury>direct tonight). At Moon half-lit it’s time to pause, reorient and re-establish a new, fluid sense of balance.


Eclipse energies continue (since last week’s solar eclipse on the new Moon) and we can expect inner processing to be an ongoing focus this cycle (esp with number of planets still retrograde). Moon in Scorpio invites us to master the art of letting go.


Leo Sun and Scorpio Moon together call us to reach out from our core to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, in both the outer and inner worlds. When vibrating together in their highest forms, they infuse us with self-confidence (Leo) and self-empowerment (Scorpio). Entwining control and trust are at the heart of the transformative energy this Moon.


Energy is coming in to help clear away the chaff; enhance our transcendent visioning; expand our sense of trust and faith; and deepen our connections with Earth and Cosmos (Jupiter-Neptune trine, the 3rd of 3). The stage is set for creative flow and greater ease. It is a time to open to new possibilities, and to use heart-sense and Spirit-eyes to review/revise patterns, intentions, and plans.


Under Luna’s waxing Light
review plans for your next flight


With Eagle eyes look far and wide
into the cosmos and deep inside


Build the Fire under Spirit remembering
Hone the form of your transcendent rendering


With trust and faith now spread your wings
Bring your magicks to everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you transcendent vision, playful creating, and joyous delight this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: eagle: cut & modified image from “the destiny formula” ; photographer unknown & site no longer active