Waxing Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius
05 Sep 2019, by moon&sky inGreeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 2010 PDT) in Sagittarius
… balance… integrate & implement… health and healing …
It is the Virgo season of truth, distillation and transformation. Right now there’s a strong pull to action and moving forward. Breathe. …
We’re in the midst of a time of intensity, increased pressure on time, hard work demands and even more on our plates than usual. Sometimes it can feel like way too much and it may be more challenging to maintain balance and calm, and to rise above fear. Yes, there’s some ‘crazy’ energy about – much of it tied to out-dated and/or dysfunctional ways of seeing/being (Saturn-Pluto ongoing) – and many are working overtime and are stressed beyond the max (Virgo stellium). If any of this sounds like you/your experience, you’re not alone.
Moon half-lit calls us to pause, take a breath and re-center. It’s time to reassess goals and plans; sift the wheat from the chaff; and to refine our ways of Being.
Over the next few days we will likely feel some lightening of energy (Stellium breaks apart). As Moon grows, our intuition will be empowered, and clarity will be restored and invigorated. Moon in warm-hearted Sagittarius gives us an infusion of ease, curiousity and freedom. Together with Virgo Sun, we are called to draw on both the masculine and feminine, and to seek new balance.
The call to attend to health and healing is very strong; building self-healing capacity to ensure inner peace is vital (3 Saturn trines all in Virgo). We are encouraged to be assertive in obtaining our goals even (or especially) if the ways are challenging. There’s energy available to help us stay strong, on track, and focussed on the next step. We can expect an expansion of intuition, new insights, new perceptions, and some serious thinking too (Mercury-Saturn trine); More ease and peace comes in over the weekend (Sun-Saturn trine tomorrow). There’s also energy incoming that supports passion, dedication and endurance, and brings us strength, self-discipline, and the perseverance tackle the most difficult of tasks (Mars-Saturn trine).
Time to breathe. Time to ground. Time to hone our vision. Time to trust in perfect timing. Time to let our arrows fly strong and true.
At waxing Moon half-lit
find what fits and sit a bit
It is time to review and revise
and, with new eyes, re-strategize
Time to simplify and specify
Time to choose what arrows to let fly
Trust the knowing beyond your sight
Send out your vision burning bright
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you strength and gentleness;
deep ground and dancing fires; and
the most glorious of bright arrows this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Archer/Aretemis: cut & modified img of sculpture. Artist unknown; source N/A | Alliums: cut & mod img from Seekay Horticulture