Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-lit in Leo


Waxing Moon Half-lit in Leo

11 May 2019, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1812 PDT) in Leo


… passion, solidity and freedom   


At waxing Moon half-lit it’s time to pause, take stock, and reflect on what we want to create and cause. Taurus Sun (+ abundance of Earth energy & esp Saturn-Pluto influence) wants us to get the foundations right and build slowly. But waxing Moon half-lit also marks a time to rise, make decisions, choose direction, and begin to initiate next action. Leo Moon is more than ready! She brings big heart Fire and the courage to open to new shifts and changes. She’s tired of waiting around and too much work; she wants to move into action and have some fun!


Both Sun and Moon want us to enjoy comfort and leisure. Our challenge will be to meld and harmonize the energies of hold-move, plan-act, and work-play. We are urged to find new systems of self-reliance and stability (Taurus/Earth); and to ensure we dance and play our way into freedom with the exuberance of Fire (Leo + Uranus influence).


Energizing, optimistic energy underlies all of this (Jupiter influence in Moon-Jup trine). We are also supported with energy that gives us solid ground; provides clarity about priorities; and helps us to be maintain focus on practical tasks (Sun-Saturn trine). It is a time of both strong foundation and game-changing liberation. Time to seek and make space for change. Time to embrace the new with fearlessness. Time to open new paths in our journeys.


Time to pause, stretch and rise
Time to see with new eyes


Both Earth your truth and free your wild
Tap the wisdom of your inner child


Develop a new science of self-reliance
Open and embrace a new embodied vibrance


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing you solid stability, sweet leisure,
exhilarating forward movement, and
much fun and freedom this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lionness: cut & modified image by Peter Townsend 2015 Odyssey competition | Sekhmet: cut & modified image. Source N/A |