1st Quarter Moon in Taurus + Cross Quarter
03 Feb 2017, by moon&sky inGreetings of Moon Half-lit
(exact @ 2016 pst)
in Taurus
stability, grace & form
Waxing Moon is now half-lit; it’s time to bring ideas and dreams into form. In earthy Taurus we are called to ground deep and strong and to take practical steps in our rising-up to live our ideals. We are supported in expanding our ways of thinking, seeing and being (Jupiter (in Libra) makes things look bigger and moves retrograde Sunday); and in finding harmony and commonality within opposites and the contrary (Venus moved into Aries today). First quarter Moon is the time of the Warrior Maiden; a time of moving forth with integrity and intent (lots of support for action from 4 planets in fire,3 in Aries).
Today also marks the ‘cross-quarter’, the midpoint between Solstice and Equinox (betw Winter and Spring in the North: Imbolc; betw Summer and Fall in the South: Lammas). This is a transition time. A time to feel into the belly for abundance and flow. In Taurus, a time to think about Earth and, more importantly, to listen to hir.
Now is also the beginning of the Year of the Fire Hen. I know many refer to the year as the Year of the Rooster but the stem-branch calendar says it’s female. Yes, she is on the rise. Female fire is about the hearth and about civilization. Fire Hen/Phoenix brings Light to illuminate the crystals we seek to set bright in the lands.
Into rich soils stardust has been cast
Time to bring forth what we want to make last
Send roots down deep for all that is just
and to Earth offer your most sacred trust
Listen to the deep drums of Danu
listen to Earth’s heartbeat within you
From the well of plenty, magick and wisdom
Let all that you dream flow into fruition.
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May strength, wisdom & grace be ensouled in all that you form
this waxing Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sculpture: by Maxine Miller | Bull: adapted from a tattoo
DEAR! Fiona~ I just love your line: “May strength, wisdom & grace be ensouled in all that you form
this waxing Moon”
It makes me think you are soul~sister related to Caron Mama Cloud of Red Madonna fame.
FORM is a word she likes almost as much as CONTEXT when she writes about poetry.
And I love the word ENSOULED.