Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-lit in Pisces


Waxing Moon Half-lit in Pisces

26 Nov 2017, by Fiona in moon&sky

171126_COMP1-merge_x385Greetings of the waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @0903 PST) in Pisces


reflection, vision, form


The Sun has now moved out of dark and deep Scorpio into Sagittarius (as of Wednesday). It is a time to broaden our horizons (Merc in Sag too). As carrier of the eternal flame, Sagittarius heralds the Light, fueling visions of the future and calling us into the beyond. Sag brings joy and enthusiasm, and reminds us to have a deep faith in Life, and to face any challenges with humor and positivity.


The waxing half-lit Moon invites us into between. In dreamy Pisces she brings us into the magical and mystical; and allows us greater access to the dimension between. While Sag Sun wants to launch into the world without constraint, Pisces Moon calls us to pause and reflect. The Fire energy provides us with warmth and Light; the Waters remind us of the ways we are connected. One calls us to the outer world; the other calls us within. Together they bring clear and flowing insights (esp w/ Neptune also in Pisces, now direct, & Moon conjunct Neptune tonight). Although Sag and Pisces may wrestle a bit, our deep visions can now find their way into form.

As above, so below,
Fire and Water dance to grow


External perceptions, internal reflections
Weave them together to craft direction


In the dark and in the light
seek now to make all things bright


Time to dance your magick into the stars
Time to expand all that you are


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May your magick spark and flow into form this waxing Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: (Yes,  Moon photo and Pisces painting both by Fiona)