Wisdom Wild | October Full Moon & Eclipse


October Full Moon & Eclipse

18 Oct 2013, by Fiona in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!moonWoman1

Here we are. Day of Aries Full Moon (1638PDT), penumbral eclipse (minutes later), and the season deepening into the dark of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere.
NB you can see eclipse animation here

How are You? Are you enjoying Fall colors and looking forward to roots and squash soup? Or are you feeling like you are squash soup (or bug soup) itself? ;)  No worries!  It’s all good! Yes, All of it!

Sink in to whatever Is and just breathe… slowly in, slowly out…. Breathe out what needs release with gratitude at the gifts and the passing …. Breathe in the Peace, Love, Wonder,  and Majesty of your Heart Space…  See it. Be in it. Hang out there awhile…. Mmm..  Yummy.

As always, Full Moon is both about celebrating your successes and gains; and releasing that which you know no longer serves.  Yes, the breathing in, the breathing out.  Receiving and letting go; taking in and giving out. Balance. Harmony. Continuing themes.

And Change. We continue to be called to transform old ways; to let go of that which holds us afraid or separate. Saturn in Scorpio continues to offer exceptional support for this mandate. And Mercury crossing back forth over the North Node (3x Oct5-Nov3) helps to stir up issues from the deep so they can be released. Stay present. In the Now moment. Seek a fluid balance.

There’s still shaking goin’ on and layers of often intense energies. The various details are a bit of a complex story so let’s just hit some highlights. Aries Full Moon is pushing for action. Fortunately there’s some moderation with Mars in Virgo so let the Aries “direct take-off and do” energy be directed towards  self-care, and thoughtful, caring service.  And if you are feeling like it’s just too much pressure or like you’re trying to catch up to yourself (oh yeah!), take time out /offline. The ‘pressure’ really is to stay present.  Sink in… Again.

Now lets look at Eclipses. These are generally ‘wild cards’; they shake us up so we can move to another level of ‘maturity’ quite rapidly. Hang on, but lightly not tightly. Eclipses also act illuminators and as catalysts. Be willing to be surprised.  It’s another call to Reset. No matter what occurs, it seems the Universe is intent on moving us forward.

This Eclipse opens a gateway for the next month of so. With it comes more support for deep change. Intend to Greet that with a “WooHoo! ;) . Yes, we know change can be challenging. Keep checking you are aligned with what you need and what you want in this time. Pay attention to the signals from your body and your inner wisdom calling you to go offline, to take pause, to reflect. Make time. Be with Nature. Be in Beauty. Do what Inspires you. All these are the tools, the Medicine, for Reset.

In sum, we are being called, again, to release that which no longer serves; to heal and purge old pains and old ways of being/doing. Yes, the energies may be firey and tensions between being and doing may be strong. Breathe. We are being pulled in the direction of greater self-expression and freedom. To dream down into the fullness of our beings. To claim our true, heart-centered, soul-full selves.

Plant your feet in Earth. Flow with the River. Breathe in the Wind. Keep your ‘eye on the ball’, the ball that is your passion, your desire, the All of You!

Yes! Nurture your Nature ,
Much Love as always,

If WisdomWild speaks to you, and you’d like to learn and Be with it more, do be in touch. Contact me for a Discovery Session. One-to-one, group coaching/guidance and programs available  (MoonRhythms, ElementalWisdom, Creature Teachers, Your Medicine Magick, Sustenance You, Map of the ‘Divine’, and more).

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