An Invitation!
January 15th is the Full Moon, the first full moon of the new solar year and of 2014. If you have been reading my posts in the last few weeks, you will know I spoke of this month as the Dreaming Time, a time of wondering and imagining. I also invited you to watch the waxing moonlight unveil what is within.
I have breathed in the scent of lavender fields, the dry dust of masonry from an ancient coliseum under construction, and the wet green of jungles entwining the spiraling vault at the top of the crest. I wonder what else will be made visible in the growing Light.
On the January full moon, the land will begin to stir just a little.
Soon it will be Imbolc, the point half way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a wonderful time to gather to greet the Moon Full and to feel into the first under-stirrings of the land.
Come to a Full Moon Call on January 15th. The call will include Moon, Sun and season story (namings and themes) and some information about Moon Rhythms, but mostly…
Let us celebrate and share together the beginnings of emerging and re-emerging forms.
The call will be recorded so if you can’t make it live, no worries! We will be with you no matter when you listen! Just sign-up to receive all the deets!
Looking forward to Being with you! As always,
Nurture your Nature
Much Love & Light,