Wisdom Wild | XFULLWIDTH


LastQ Moon – deepening and opening

13.03.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome Friday the 13th and this Last Quarter Moon   The last quarter Moon (exact at 1048 pdt) is in Sagittarius; this evening Moon moves into Capricorn (2340pdt).   We are shifting from the energy of active fire (masculine) to energies of grounded earth (feminine), with…

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05.03.2015 in moon&sky, theme

We are in the bright Moon window yet also moving into the waning time. Prepare. Very soon it will be Moon dark … and Equinox … and solar eclipse all on the same day (Mar20). In the time between, the 7th and final square of…

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Moon Full & more

05.03.2015 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Moon FULL in Virgo (exact at 1005h pst) http://www.wisdomwild.com/moon-full-more/ Prologue   The energies are high. Can you feel it? A coming together of forces. Sometimes a clashing, a gnashing, but also a breaking through and a rising. Do you sense it?  …

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LadyPeace: Message

04.03.2015 in reflections

Lady Peace Project Day4: The Query  is: What would you say to the United Nations?   This is a day when I am tending the classroom again so I work as quickly as possible reflecting. The inquiry takes some time to digest and process (ongoing). Here…

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LadyPeace: Stand

02.03.2015 in reflections

Lady Peace Project Day2. Inquiry: What is your stand?   I have some top things I want and have wanted since I was very little. One of them is that I want a peaceful, just and sustainable world. Please, please, please! Always makes me cry.  …

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