Waning half-lit Moon in Leo + Sun to Sag
21 Nov 2016, by moon&sky inGreetings of the waning Half-lit Moon
(exact @ 0033 pst)
in Leo
+ Sun in Sagittarius this afternoon
(exact @ 1322 pst)
Release, revise, realign
Moon calls us into the warm embrace of big-hearted Leo. Sun in Sag calls us into our optimism, our ideals and into bounty and joy. Fire energy abounds right now (Sun,Moon, Mercury, Saturn & Uranus all in fire signs). This abundance of fire right now feels like an offering for the coming Solstice: heralding the arrival of the longest day in the south, and warming the darkest days in the north.
Waning Moon Half-lit invites us to take a moment to pause and reflect upon what has occurred since Moon dark. Time for reviewing, revising, realigning, integrating, and cleansing. In these times (the felt Jupiter-Pluto square since early November will be exact Thursday; 1st of 3 exact squares) it is especially important to sit in the ‘between’ and sift well through beliefs, perspectives, feelings and experiences.
Time to honor, cherish and nourish the valuable learnings gained; time to let go of whatever fear or sorrow came. There is supportive energy for forgiveness and compassion, and a sense of oneness with All is again rising (Neptune in Pisces moved direct on Saturday). This is the time to feel into and expand the clarity and openness of the channels connecting to your heart-truth and Spirit.
Pause in the moment of light-dark between
Reflect on all you’ve heard and all you’ve seen
Release any fears or sorrows that came
Honor and cherish all the learning gained
Step into dark deepening and realign
with Earth-truth and all that is for you divine.
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you peace and sweet grace under the waning Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lionness: source N/A | Archer: cut from painting. Artist unknown; source NA | Star sky from Princeton U |