
Wisdom Wild

LastQ Capricorn Moon

11.04.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half Lit (exact 2044 pdt)   I feel all the elements in play this day: Fire (sun in Aries), Earth (Moon in Cap, Mars in Taurus), Air (Venus moved into Gemini today), and Water too since the symbol of Capricorn is the…

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full moon eclipse

04.04.2015 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Full Moon + Eclipse in Libra (exact at 0506h pdt)   I wonder how you are this day as much as been dancing in the heavens of late and still. I had hoped to watch some of the movements of Moon rise…

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Creature Teacher: Crab

27.03.2015 in creatures

At this 1st Q Moon in Cancer, Crab wants to ensure we are secure and protected; and that we receive and express compassion and sensitivity. Crab advises us to soften our gaze and look into invisible realms. As zodiac mother, Cancer asks for us to nurture…

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1st Q Cancer Moon

27.03.2015 in moon&sky

Greetings of the 1st Quarter Moon (exact at 0043 pdt) light and dark in equal measure   Moon in Cancer, Sun in Aries. Feminine waters and masculine fire. There is much else of feminine and masculine, yin and yang, energized in the heavens this Moon, seeking balance….

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New Moon Equinox + Bear Medicine

20.03.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark, Equinox, and solar eclipse now complete   Much is moving in the heavens these days. There are calls for shifting, for pausing and for activating. What are you feeling in this moment? How are you being called to respond and integrate all…

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LastQ Moon – deepening and opening

13.03.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome Friday the 13th and this Last Quarter Moon   The last quarter Moon (exact at 1048 pdt) is in Sagittarius; this evening Moon moves into Capricorn (2340pdt).   We are shifting from the energy of active fire (masculine) to energies of grounded earth (feminine), with…

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05.03.2015 in moon&sky, theme

We are in the bright Moon window yet also moving into the waning time. Prepare. Very soon it will be Moon dark … and Equinox … and solar eclipse all on the same day (Mar20). In the time between, the 7th and final square of…

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Moon Full & more

05.03.2015 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Moon FULL in Virgo (exact at 1005h pst) http://www.wisdomwild.com/moon-full-more/ Prologue   The energies are high. Can you feel it? A coming together of forces. Sometimes a clashing, a gnashing, but also a breaking through and a rising. Do you sense it?  …

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LadyPeace: Message

04.03.2015 in reflections

Lady Peace Project Day4: The Query  is: What would you say to the United Nations?   This is a day when I am tending the classroom again so I work as quickly as possible reflecting. The inquiry takes some time to digest and process (ongoing). Here…

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LadyPeace: Stand

02.03.2015 in reflections

Lady Peace Project Day2. Inquiry: What is your stand?   I have some top things I want and have wanted since I was very little. One of them is that I want a peaceful, just and sustainable world. Please, please, please! Always makes me cry.  …

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