
Wisdom Wild

Moon Dark-New in Virgo + Eclipse

01.09.2016 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New in Virgo (exact at 0203) & Eclipse (@0208)   Reflect, restore, empower   Change is in the air. Expect endings and beginnings, closings and openings, and lots of shiftings (New Moon + eclipses + 5 planets transitting this month) arising out of…

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LastQ Moon in Gemini

24.08.2016 in moon&sky

Greetings of  Moon Half-lit (exact @ 2041 pdt) in Gemini    Discern, gather, release,  take ease   Definitely time to take pause in these times demanding ‘heavy’ work of many kinds (Mars Conjunct Saturn in Sag exact today). Breathe into pause and let the moment…

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Moon Full in Aquarius (to Pisces soon)

18.08.2016 in moon&sky

Greetings of Moon Full (exact @0227) in Aquarius soon moving into Pisces (@0934) Pour forth; flow in   This Moon full feels powerful and magical. Leo Sun is all about creative self-expression and personal radiance. Aquarius is also about individuality and independence but is more focussed…

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ActionWild: World Elephant Day!

11.08.2016 in creatures

ActionWild: August 12th is World Elephant Day!   On World Elephant Day, Thursday, August 12, please express your concern, share your knowledge and support solutions for the better care of captive and wild elephants alike. Activate energy for Elephant!   Elevent: Coloring page http://worldelephantday.org/news/2016/07/eleedraw-coloring-challenge And…

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Creature Teacher: Elephant

11.08.2016 in creatures

Creature Teacher:  Elephant  . . .  [clip from wWe-zine]   Elephants are sensitive, love-expressive creatures, that care for and are bonded to their kind. They live in community, working, sharing, celebrating, and grieving together too. They are said to hold past life knowledge and awaken…

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Waxing half-lit Moon in Scorpio

10.08.2016 in moon&sky

Welcome Waxing Half-lit Moon (exact @ 1121 pdt) in Scorpio   Feel, discern, unfold   The first quarter Moon is the growth phase. Roots venture deeper, the stem shoots up to create a new strong body, and leaves unfurl and reach out. All of August is…

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Moon new in Leo

02.08.2016 in moon&sky

 Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @ 1345 pdt) in Leo Presence, perception, possibility   Here we are at the beginning of August and at the start of a new cycle. We are still called to focus on and realign our priorities; and really clear away what…

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Half-lit waning Moon in Taurus

26.07.2016 in moon&sky

Welcome waning half-lit Moon (exact at 1600pdt) in Taurus strength, faith, love & integration   Although Moon is waning, there’s a lot of momentum and  movement energy  being activated right now (Fire trine; 5 planets in fire signs). Yes, indeed, we’re ‘fired’ up!   Still,…

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Happy Galactic / Mayan New Year!

26.07.2016 in moon&sky

Happy Galactic | Mayan New Year!   In the ‘Law of Time’ (which draws from and extends the Mayan calendar), today is the first day of a new year: The Blue Spectral Storm Year.   The energy supports ongoing transformational year. New freedom, new possibilities,…

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Moon Full in Capricorn

19.07.2016 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Full (exact at 1557 pdt) in Capricorn Flowing strength and purpose   Capricorn Moon calls us to step onto our solid ground. It is time to profoundly Earth our truth, practices, ideas, ideals and intentions. Capricorn invites us to into our highest aspirations…