Wisdom Wild | New Moon Equinox + Bear Medicine


New Moon Equinox + Bear Medicine

20 Mar 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky

150320_comp_x385Welcome Moon Dark,
Equinox, and
solar eclipse now complete


Much is moving in the heavens these days. There are calls for shifting, for pausing and for activating. What are you feeling in this moment? How are you being called to respond and integrate all the magic that is alive and afoot?


This morning, super Moon waned to hir deepest dark in Pisces (0236pdt). I seek to sink deeply and expansively into the center of Being, to connect with Source, and flow with Spirit on Piscean waves …


Minutes later (0246pdt) there came a total solar eclipse opening a portal that will last the whole lunar cycle. This portal energy is potent and powerful coming as it does at new Moon and at Equinox, and is further powered by a lunar eclipse on the full Moon (Apr 4). The energies are of openness and readiness. It is time to release all that has been and all that no longer serves, and step through to new openings, new possibilities, and new dreams awakened.


Moon entered Aries (0328pdt) just after the eclipse began, and the Sun has now followed hir in time with Equinox (1545pdt) . Pisces completes; Aries begins. Dreams and visions are carried into the light and warmth of the firey presence and held every more brightly by other planets moving with fire (Mars and Uranus are already in Aries; Jupiter is in Leo; Saturn in Sag).


Shifting, shifting.


Creature Teacher


150320_bearSmilingReflecting on the time, I paused to ask for guidance from the Creature Teachers for their medicine. It was Bear that came. Bear resides in the west, in the intuitive ,right brain. Bear holds the medicine of introspection (how appropriate) and of strength. Journey with Bear into the silence, attune to Earth and find the honey of your Being.


Guidance for the time, this Portal, and this Cycle


Draw on the energy of Equinox,
light and dark in equal measure,
to tune to balance and harmony.

Allow Moon to guide you into the deep soul soil of you.

Align with all that brings aliveness, joy, peace and well-being.

In silence, allow the knowing to come to you

In stillness, let the seeds awaiting awakening greet you

Dream the flower of you into Being.


and, as always

Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light