The Cycles Continue
Natural Rhythms: A Walk with the Moon
Sacred Rhythms Guidance and Mentorship with Fiona
Next Cycle starts March 1st
Attune, align and synchronize with natural rhythms.
Walk with the Moon and step into the Sacred Rhythm of Nature and You.
Step into the Circle!
Everything has a natural flow and a rhythm to it. Walking with the moon helps to attune to ourselves, and to the optimal times for certain kinds of activities and endeavours. When we are so attuned, we can and step in/step out, take action/be still, claim/release, and make other such action-choices, all with natural rhythms of ease and grace
I wonder… Are there times you wish you could
Feel more in-step or in sync (with yourself, a project, life in general)
Get off a train that’s just moving too fast (and/or not in your preferred direction)
Move in and with flow versus feeling blocked or like you’re doing too much at once
Be neither over or under ‘whelmed
Turn off the self-critic and the noise of inner mean girls partying hardy
Shift to managing more consistently from the inside-out instead of the outside- in
Mana-fest your intentions in the ways and times that are purr-fect for your vision
Feel more in balance and in harmony
If you said Yes to two or more of these questions then a Walk with the Moon would be wonderful for you!
This is for you if you want to fulfill wishes like those above, and want to do it in a way that honors your heart, your vision, your own rhythms, others, and Earth hirself.
I have been walking with Luna and Natural Rhythms intentionally for more than 40 years now. I will be your guide and mentor on this journey but know this: your journey with Moon Rhythms will be your own, and unique to you and your relationship with la Luna.
Yes! I want more such wishes fulfilled!
I invite you to step out of the Monday-Sunday work/rest calendar days – and especially if this means stepping out of push, push, deadline, next deadline, do-do – and into the feminine space of Being. Here are some of the benefits of Walking with the Moon. You Get to:
Revitalize spirit through sacred immersion in natural rhythms
Deepen inner feminine wisdom
Expand kindness and compassion towards self
Experience a greater sense of steadiness and feeling of being at home
Access inner pools of light and energy and reflect these outwardly
Share, nourish, inspire and be nourished and inspired
Reflect on the rhythms of life through stillness, inquiry and experiential discovery
Get in tune with and embody ‘right’ timing
Feel the rhythmic dance of life in every heartbeat and every breath
Yes please! I want to ‘Get to’!
Moon Rhythms includes:
- Wisdoms of the Current Moon Cycle (names, themes, and Moon Wisdom in general)
- Earth-Moon-Solar relations (and other planets as may be calling)
- 4 Moon Circle calls aligned to each primary phase of the moon
- 4 Moon Guides (aka ‘worksheets’) to help you deepen your relationship with natural rhythms
- 4 mid-phase Silver Moon-Light messages
- Daily Moon chart for the cycle
- A one-to-one ‘guide-ion’ session with Fiona to ground the work in your life via a personal or professional project, intention or wish. (30 minutes session; 60 minutes for wolf moon howlers)
All calls will be recorded. You can attend the calls live or listen in to the recording at your convenience. If you have questions, they can be asked on the call or send them in ahead of time if you are unable to attend the call in person.
Tuition for WisdomWild Walk with the Moon.
Well coaches, trainers, managers and associates are rolling their eyes and/or shaking their heads at the Tuition fee I’m proposing. They may be right but it is up to me. I want the tuition to add to 4 (for the 4 primary Moon phases) and I want it to be special. Okay so “no less than” $499 adds correctly but that just doesn’t look or feel special. So…
Special Tuition Fee: $499. $247
More Special: Bring a friend for ½ off.
Extra Special! Register by February 25th: $175
Speaking of Fiona and Moon Rhythms…
“Fiona, I adore your brilliant gifts of wisdom regarding the moon phases, season changes and how our lives fit into the natural change in the earth. Really wonderful! “– Maureen Moriarty Russell
“Fiona is filled with great wisdom, experience and insight that not only helped me move more easily into my true destiny but she also was able to identify my true heart and source of passion. She truly has a gift and sensitivity as a listener to pick up your true self and therefore can help you reach your destiny and greatest potential at a much greater speed than without her. I recommend her to anyone that wants to move forward faster, easier and in their ideal direction for their life and future.” – Matthew Miglin, The Voice of Prosperity
“I will forever be grateful to you for having shown me that it IS possible to be both spiritually alive and academically accomplished.” – David Bernard, Detroit+
“Fiona is a true blessing to the world through her incredible ability to convey complex and multidimensional cycles and phases of the moon in a way that speaks to one’s soul- straight to the heart. She breaks down what is far greater than myself and grounds me in a knowing that what I am feeling is ok and to be gentle with whatever it might be (especially in times of what is going on with me!). I have so many yes! Moments reading her words as I truly feel like they are speaking from her heart to mine. I feel blessed to receive her wisdom.” – Alexis Werner
“Before I started working with Fiona, I struggled to maintain harmony in my personal and professional life. I was managing my life to a great extent from the outside in, using the calendar and deadlines to direct my focus. I was not aware of the moon’s energy and how this affected my own energy patterns. Fiona taught me how to “read” the moon’s energy and work with this energy productively in my life. She helped me structure my focus and activities in more conscious harmony with nature. I became more productive as a result, achieving milestones with greater ease, less friction and more flow. Fiona’s program helps one to cultivate a different sense of time; experience a profound shift in consciousness; and express our true nature as co-participants in creation. The beauty of this path is that it never ends.” – Karin Bauer, San Francisco
Thanks for coming by and looking forward to seeing you soon!
Nurture your Nature
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