Wisdom Wild | Moon new in Leo


Moon new in Leo

02 Aug 2016, by Fiona in moon&sky

160802_COMP2-2-merge_x385 Welcome Moon Dark-New
(exact @ 1345 pdt)
in Leo

Presence, perception, possibility


Here we are at the beginning of August and at the start of a new cycle. We are still called to focus on and realign our priorities; and really clear away what was, for what we want to bring into Being (ongoing Saturn-Neptune square). There’s a lot of fiery, masculine energy about right now (6 planets in fire signs) so we have lots of support for our will, determination and action in that regard.


The energy is a bit ‘hot and heated’ – a lot could be said about this, but need I say more? ;) – AND and there’s a lot of energy flowing (Fire abundance+ Grand Sextile Jul28 -Aug14 ) that we can draw upon to refine alignments and fine-tune our inner and outer works. There’s much ‘food’ for head, heart and Spirit; abundant invitations to take roads both high and deep; powerful energies for protection and manifestation (Grand Sextile); and soothing nourishment along the way (another Grand Water trine).


The energetic field is shifting in positive ways (esp with Mars moving from Scorpio to Sag this morning). It may still be intense but we can expect to experience more stability (Saturn trine Moon today), less pressure and more inner calm. We will also likely find ourselves responding very easily to our hearts pulling us to relax, be playful and more care-free. Yippee!


New Moon invites us into fresh experiences as if we were newly born. Leo wants us to experience our power, presence, courage, and radiant heart-truth. We are called to re-interpret, re-activate, and re-energize truth, purpose, and meaning, inside and out. Leo rules the heart and gifts us inspiration, creativity, and Love. We get to both play and decide what the ‘play’ is/will be about. Given some recent shifts, expect the play to reflect freedom, optimism, and the ideal (Mars > Sag)


Tune into the calm
within your heart and
where Spirit dwells
Move into this vast and quantum space
where possibilities swell and gel.


Dive down deep and spring up high
Open to each form and dimension
unknown and known –
flora, fauna, ocean, molten core and sky
Change perspective and morph perception


From the fire that sparks desire
drawn on new found power and receive
the alchemy for all your require
to dissolve all you cannot solve
and nourish you and all you seed


Now is the time to


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



Wishing you delightful possibilities and great manifestation this Moon!




IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Rays: Cropped and modified crown from “Revelations 12” by Alex Ramos, 2012 | Lioness: cut & modified image found on Bing; Photog unknown

  • Thank you Fiona for sharing your wild wisdom with us. Somehow just knowing you navigate between the moon and stars and planets and know TGEIR energies and their stories just makes the 10,000 bells in my heart ring beautiful songs!!!