Wisdom Wild | Moon Full in Scorpio


Moon Full in Scorpio

21 Apr 2016, by Fiona in moon&sky

160421_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Breathing with Full Moon
(exact 160421 @ 2224 pdt)
in Scorpio.


Shadow dancing in the Light


Yes, indeed, we have entered intense waters with Scorpio, supercharged by the full Moon, and affected by retrograde energies as well (especially with Mars & Pluto, the ancient and current ruler of Scorpio, both retrograde).


Scorpio teaches us to seek the mysteries and desires that lay deep beneath. To shed our skins and surrender to the wisdom within ourselves. We are called to flush out fears and see what there is that still needs to be transformed. It is time to drink deep of the power of imagination and give a new potency to all that we create.


Currently four planets are retrograde; in a week there will be five planets in retrograde. That hasn’t happened in more than ten years so it’s a bit of ‘an event.’ When planets go retrograde things can get turned around and energy can be amplified. I treat retrogrades as a time to ‘step back’ and get a bigger picture view. It’s a time for getting another perspective and processing the new perceptions that are revealed. Also time to be a bit more diligent about timing and scheduling ;))


**Notes on Retrograde planets: You are probably very familiar with Mercury retrograde effects re: communications (Merc moves retrograde Apr 28). Jupiter, Mars, Pluto and Saturn are the other retrograde planets calling for some step-back-bigger perspectives. Jupiter is about expansion, transformation and core beliefs. Mars is about what where we are going and why, about actions, and about potentially aggressive/assertive energies. Pluto is about transforming old forms, and letting go of whatever holds us back. Saturn is about ‘karma’, and more particularly about shifting defeating patterns and weaknesses into wisdom and strengths…. Step back; gain new perspective.


Yes, transformational energy is definitely full-on and ramping up! And beyond the familiar too! (Ongoing T-square). Fortunately Sun is now in earthy Taurus and we are also supported by a grand trine in Earth signs (Jupiter in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn & Mercury in Taurus) to help keep our attention on our senses and practical matters.


Overall, a lot may be uncovered/revealed over the next while. It’s a good time to slow down and take time for what gently feeds your heart and soul: art, music, dance and rejuvenating time with Nature. Ground and anchor health in all domains – mind, body, heart, Spirit. Take your bigger picture view from the heart of your heart. Feel the pulse of Earth and Cosmos resonant in you.


Enter the grove within your Soul
Stand naked under bright Moon so full


Shed your skin and unfurl your wings
Move high and low and deep and steep
Listen for all that makes your radiance sing.


Invite the shadows to come to dance
Engage them now in a new romance
Earth, Cosmos and you, a new found resonance


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Snakeskin: on Bing (by A.Moore?) | Eagle eyes: modified from image at alphacoders wallpapers | Eagle head: modified from a sticker | * Eagle Teacher: I photo’d this Eagle (one of a pair) last year in Vancouver |