Moon Full in Capricorn
19 Jul 2016, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Full
(exact at 1557 pdt)
in Capricorn
Flowing strength and purpose
Capricorn Moon calls us to step onto our solid ground. It is time to profoundly Earth our truth, practices, ideas, ideals and intentions. Capricorn invites us to into our highest aspirations with strength, courage, confidence, clarity and resolve.
We are supported in all that matters – values, thoughts, feelings, responsibility and discipline (Merc conjunct Venus Trine Saturn). Our capacity for listening and responding to inner wisdom is strengthened, as is our intuition and awareness of what is occurring within, and out in the world (Cardinal T-square: Sun Moon, Uranus). And we continue to be called to weave and deepen the connection of Earth & Spirit (ongoing Saturn-Neptune square).
Like Seagoat, meld passion, spirit, intuition and soul connection, those deepest parts of our Being, with intelligence, steadiness, ambition and the ability to thrive even in inhospitable environments. Honor what has been maturing since Cancer new Moon. Embrace what is transforming and the new story coming into form. Draw on the light and warmth that is present building (both Venus and Mercury now in Leo to be joined by Sun on Friday)
Stand on Mountain and feel hir strength
fuel your purpose and resolve
as you step in to your most radiant wavelength
Look out at the view lit by bright Moon
noticing what is in the light and what is in shadow
and allow your heart to lovingly attune
Open to the great expanse and radiance and
let flow the power that is yours by choice and circumstance
It is time to honor you and your Earth-Spirit dance
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you strong ground, ease-full free flow,
and newly empowered purpose this Moon!
Personal Note: [clip from WisdomWild e-zine (wWe-zine)]
… Earth and Water; Mountain and Stream; Strength and flow. Through whatever challenges we may face, individually or collectively, I recommend melding the powers of earth and water; strength and flow; practical matters and emotional ones. Inside and outside. Weave together Spirit and form in your ideals, practices, and intentions; in mind, heart and body. This Moon, and various sky configurations, encourage and support such weaving.
This morning a sweet film came to my screen that for me speaks to much of this. About wonder and challenge and playfulness. About what is important; about hard things and soft things; about being caught and being free. It’s a beautiful short (4′) piece and I highly recommend the viewing.
Light Rain (based on true story) directed by Neil Horner
May it awaken thoughts and feelings; rememberings and new ways of being;
and call your heart to express whether with smile or tears or both
* My apologies for this later-than-usual posting. I seem to have stepped out of time for a couple of hours ;)
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
stars background: from ScienceClarified
Oh Fiona~ LIfe seems to be dishing up for me opportunities to step into my most radiant wavelength.
I am looking for ways to weave together Spirit and form
and ya know what? I found LIGHT RAIN to be positively delightful.
Thank you!
So wondrous to hear about the ‘dishes’ you are receiving ;) and so glad you enjoyed Light Rain <3