Wisdom Wild | Moon Dark-New


Moon Dark-New

15 Jul 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky

150715_COMP1-merge_x385wSIGWelcome Moon Dark New
(exact at 1824pdt)

in Cancer
with Sun, Mars & Mercury


We have been moving with the waning Moon into the darkening time and today, at the darkest Moon time, into the feminine deepest.


Moon is in hir own sign of Cancer joined by Sun, Mars and Mercury. We are immersed in sensitivity and receptivity with heightened intuition and deep feeling.


Enter now into your Heart cave
the feminine realm divine
mystical, spiritual, alchemical
(Mercury & mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces)


The time and place of
truth, freedom, joy, and essential essence
creatively empowered
(Moon trine Saturn)
and constructive
(Sun and Moon trine Scorpio)


It is time now to empty and fill in the restful dark
Time to replenish inner resources
Time to listen in the quiet to the calls of the Heart
Time to seek the light of awakenings
New seeds, new powers, new magic to tap.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing you sweet rest & delightful awakenings


*You may also want to check out Bear Teaching for this time.


Image notes: Glass crabs bottom left & right by Jeremy Sinkus; hermit crabs cut & merged from Pinterest. Cave in Vietnam modified from Pinterest imageĀ