Wisdom Wild | Waning Moon Half-lit in Scorpio


Waning Moon Half-lit in Scorpio

27 Jan 2019, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @1310 PST) in Scorpio


… surrender, nourish, restore, transform


Last week’s full blood Moon and eclipse, and the freshness brought by Sun in Aquarius, has likely resulted in much clearing and the consideration of new possibilities; and felt quite liberating as well. I know that this past week has for many been quite exhilarating, productive, and even playful along the way – regardless (or perhaps because) of what may have been unexpected or challenging. Now Waning Moon reminds us of the need for balance. There’s a time to be active and creative; and a time for reflection and stillness. Now is that time.


Waning Moon is all about nourishing, resting, restoring, and preparing for dreaming in the feminine deep. In Scorpio she invites us to return to the infinite wisdom at the heart of the heart, and in the root of the root. We are encouraged to feel into everything, surrender, and flow with the waters. Time to both strengthen and soften. Time to wrap ourselves in a shimmering chrysalis. Time to feel into renewal, freedom and possibility. Time to let seeds of transformation begin to form. Time to prepare to dream a new future into Being.


In this time of the waning Moon
quiet mind and to heart attune


Find the wisdom in bone and stone
Seek stillness in the known and unknown


With Spirit renew rapport
Connect wonder at your core


Time to dive into this sacred place
Time to create self-nourishing space


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet release & nourishing transforming in your chrysalis










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Snake Skeleton: cut & modified photo by Mark Laita |  Mask/face: Cut & modified image of sculpture by Deborah Bridges of Stone Bridges |