Wisdom Wild | LastQ Moon in Gemini


LastQ Moon in Gemini

24 Aug 2016, by Fiona in moon&sky

160824_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Greetings of  Moon Half-lit
(exact @ 2041 pdt)

in Gemini


 Discern, gather, release,  take ease


Definitely time to take pause in these times demanding ‘heavy’ work of many kinds (Mars Conjunct Saturn in Sag exact today). Breathe into pause and let the moment flow with nurturing ease.


Waning Moon calls us now to begin wrapping up what was begun. Gemini calls us to harvest both root and fruit, infusing us with deep powers of perception, revealing more than we usually can see. It is time to again seek to shed that which does not serve (Saturn-Nepturn square is strong now, activated by Mars-Saturn alignment) and organize what is to be kept and brought forward in preparation for deepening dark and new Moon to come (esp important with Merc moving retrograde next week).


Earth energy is high (5 planets in Earth signs; 4 in Virgo) and draws attention to practical, daily tasks and details. It is time to truly tune to body-wisdom and to commune with Earth. Sun’s shift from Leo to Virgo (this past Monday) moves us from self-importance to selfless devotion. Seeming opposites, they serve together, twins if you will, ensuring the nurturance and care of the radiant Self and All.


Earth energy also supports us in anchoring plans, dreams and intentions. Focus on details in sorting that which is to be cast to the compost and that which is to be gathered for sustenance and future resource. Given various energies of this time, it is important to streamline efforts, and hone in on answers in the truth of heart and soul (Neptune-Mars aspect). Time to clear the way and open space for sacred engagement each day.


Seek now the space found in between
and receive the stories that there reside
telling of effortless alignments
with all your heart and Spirit dream.


Within Light and dark in equal measure
Find the oneness of opposites reflected in two forms
The twins in communion
breathe in and bless their heart-found treasures


Time now to shed that which has no place
in the glow of all that you have given and received
Time now to anchor your gifts and intentions
and rest in to the deepening grace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you joyful gathering and sweet release into the feminine deepening





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Woman: Cut & modified from image by Dante Gabriel Rosetti recd by email