Wisdom Wild | LastQ Moon – deepening and opening


LastQ Moon – deepening and opening

13 Mar 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky

150313_comp1CROP_x385Welcome Friday the 13th
and this Last Quarter Moon


The last quarter Moon (exact at 1048 pdt) is in Sagittarius; this evening Moon moves into Capricorn (2340pdt).


We are shifting from the energy of active fire (masculine) to energies of grounded earth (feminine), with Sun (masculine) in flowing water (Pisces, feminine). All this and Friday the 13th too. It is Freya’s day and we are protected and strengthened as we move through the shifting.


It is time to honor sacred balance and step more deeply into the divine feminine. We are called again to release, let go, and surrender all that hinders the movement of Spirit and our own expressive Being. It is time to make both time and space for the deepening dark. Time to clear the way for what may newly emerge.


This Moon is aligned with Serpent who aids us in doing light work in the dark. Serpent’s transformative energy helps us clear shadow issues that may keep us from expressing our talents and gifts.


Tomorrow morning Saturn moves retrograde supporting any restructuring that may be called for. Like the Serpent, it is time to shed old skin that is now too small and ill-fitting for what is coming into being.


Half way through our journey from now to Moon dark, when Moon’s face is one quarter lit (Mar 16), there are alignments which continue to support us as we descend into dreaming time.


In coming days…


All the elements will be activated by Mercury (5 deg Pisces) square Saturn (5 deg Sag). Air (Mercury), Water (Pisces), Earth (Saturn) and fire (Sag). Time for insights and understandings to be deeply rooted.  Inspiration is empowered to move into form.


The 7th and last Uranus Pluto square also occurs on March 16th. It is the culmination of the ~ 3 year alignment that began in 2012 (we’ve talked a lot about this a long the way). An alignment that called us to release and transform fears, beliefs and ways of being, and find new ones that served the greatest good for ourselves, others, and Earth. Many of us felt our nervous systems stretched often beyond reckoning as we searched deep for our own heart truth; broke through or cast out beliefs and patterns that no longer served; and claimed new ways of Being. Now is the breaking through of the seed planted in the 60s.


An Invitation . . .


My invitation to you: Let go, release, surrender into the Mystery and into what is emerging as yet unknown. 150313_Model_goddess89_x300

I invite you to imagine yourself standing on the altar of your soul. You need to nothing but let your breath breathe you.

See spirit fire arise in a ring around you releasing vapours scented especially for your healing, holding you in the space of Spirit purpose.

A fine mist forms, caressing your skin and you begin to glow.

Imagine now comes a warm gentle rain to nourish you and wash away all that no longer serves.

Winds softly dry your body as they blow through you from all directions carrying away what is no longer serves, and leaving gifts in their passing.

Open to the stillness. Open to the calm. Feel in to all the treasures* you hold. Open to the fullness of ever more love, joy and grace in the Being-ness of you.


* Treasures 
to remember and carry in the deepening:

You are a healing goddess
Goddess Healing Video by Geoffrey Berris

You are one of one
Shi speaks

We gather in service to ourselves, each other & Earth!
Gathering (short video)

Take some time to

Nurture your Nature
with love and Light


[Image note: Shimmering goddess image above is by artist unknown (unfortunately) but we honor the creator! (and if you know who the artist is, please let me know. F)]