Waning Moon Half-lit in Capricorn
03 Apr 2021, by moon&sky inGreeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact 210404 @0302 PDT) in Capricorn
… reflect, release, renew, empower …
Waning Moon half-lit calls us to pause, regroup and reorient. It is time to finish-up, clean up, clear away, and/or put aside the work of this cycle. Time to prepare space for reflection. Time to review, revise, release and realign. Time to renew and rejuvenate in the deepening dark.
Moon in Capricorn turns our attention to the practical, and to building strong foundations. She increases our awareness of the need for structure, discipline, and organization. Under hir influence we have strong support for pruning deadwood, grafting new possibilities, and rooting deeply. Well-suited to Capricorn’s desire for long-range planning, Aries Sun is eager for action and wants us to lay the groundwork for a new year (Aries new Moon next week). Together they heighten the call to balance; and to creating systems that support new empowered ways of Being.
We are likely to find it easier to express ideas clearly and to be more assertive about our needs and desires (Merc now in Aries). We can bridge different worlds more easily (Seagoat); and there is energetic support for healing (Sun-Chiron proximity) and for strengthening foundations (Capricorn + 44 day). We are encouraged to align with our most positive dreams; our fullest ways of Being; and with all we find most meaningful (Moon w/ Venus & Neptune).
It’s time to draw on the strength and steadiness of Capricorn’s Earth energy. Time to draw on Aries Fire for whatever needs to be completed or renewed. Time then to tend the hearth fire and breathe deeply of rich earth. Time to slow. Time to rest. Time to nourish and harmonize within. Time to dream in the feminine deep.
Waning Moon calls us to release, let go
Time to pause, realign, balance and slow
Feel into the Capricorn Moon
To Earth connections now attune
Nourish all that makes you strong and free
Cherish all you are and all you Be
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you the warmth of Fire,
the rich nourishment of Earth,
and inspired dreaming this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Mountain Goat: cut & modified from a calendar; photog unknown | Fish Tail: cut & modified from hipClipArt | Pansies (a Cap flower): cut & modified image on Amazon