Wisdom Wild | Last Quarter Moon


Last Quarter Moon

18 Jul 2014, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greetings of the half lit (1908h pdt) waning Moon!


Moon Last Quarter 850pxWas the full Moon time full for you? Did it and you spill over in fullness? Have you been catching up and catching your breathe? Are you ready now for the further waning?


Moon half lit. Light and dark to consider. Time now for releasing, for beginning preparations for slowing and moving inward.


Jupiter has moved from Cancer (water/feeling) to Leo (fire/action) and will be conjunct with the Sun early next week. Saturn in Scorpio goes direct. Uranus is going retrograde. Mercury moves in to oppose Pluto. Much is in play.


Saturn calls us into form, structure, boundaries, and external expression. Uranus going retrograde pulls us towards inner insights and enlightenment.


Yes! Balance outer expressions with inner explorations. The energies are expansive. Invite the feelings of spaciousness into your inner and outer worlds. Be generous in your engagements and expressions, within and without.


During this expansive time, fueled by super moons, there is a spaciousness that invites new kinds of optimism and confidence. It can also at times feel like there’s a lot going on and much to process.


Sense in to the Moon call for balance, and move in to center. It is time again to release; to let go of that which is no longer needed or no longer serves. Yes, time again to hone letting go practice.


Remember to ground daily (or hourly ;)) and breathe in expansiveness. From this practice comes your stability, your heart breathe, and the gifts of ease, connection and new insight.


As the Moon wanes, take some time outside of ordinary routine. Notice what doors are opening, what ideas come to you. Look again at those things that have been on the back burner. Now, with the spaciousness and the shifting that has been occurring, these may be ready to be handled with ease. Reflect on these as the Moon wanes and wonder what you may wish to bring forward as Moon wanes to Dark.


Imagine too how you might receive and express your insights under this and the coming two super Moons. How will you shine the wonder of you? Imagine…


feather-floating_x385Take ease these next days. Breathe in and breathe out expansively. Allow a lightness of Being. And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild
with Love & Light