Full Moon in Virgo
22 Feb 2016, by moon&sky in Greetings of the Full Moon in Virgo
(exact at 1020pst) and
Pisces Sun
We have entered the watery, dreamy time of the Piscean Sun (last week, Feb 18 @2134pst) and now Moon is full in Virgo. Earthy Virgo is about the practical, day-to-day realities (it’s all in the details). She seeks grounded wholeness.
Pisces is the flowing waters, bringing gentleness and compassion, nourishment and healing, seeking harmony and union within ourselves, and with Earth & Cosmos divine. Draw on this Moon to focus and reorient Virgo’s presence and practical attention to Pisces’ nature and aims.
Celebrate all the ways you have brought the formless into form.
There is increasing support for art and beauty and the heart-opening ideals we express (Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces and Merc is conjunct Venus in Aquarius). As you expand with Moon bright and full, move into your ideals with boldness (support from Jupiter in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn) and imagine their active expansion – whether you dream anew or build upon current plans (Jupiter squares Saturn in Sag calls for this choice/focus).
Walk barefoot out into the night
And view the expanse lit by bright Moon light.
See clearly now all that is revealed
Feel the powers that you may wield
Celebrate all you see brought into form
by Earth-Cosmos and you and yours divine
Now surrender to the waters and to the Light
deep into presence and into flow
feel into Spirit and Love’s radiant glow.
Expand the dream of paradise
Hold it all before your eyes
Now let it go and trust your Heart
To guide and nourish your vision’s living art.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Waters: modified from image found on Taringa.net; Source N/A unknown | Virgin Mary Sculpture: cut and modified from image found on Indigo Children