Wisdom Wild | Moon Full in Libra


Moon Full in Libra

31 Mar 2018, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greetings of Moon Full (exact @0537PDT) in Libra …


— balance, connection, all relations


We continue to be called to seek deeper connection, meaning and fulfillment. Moon in Libra focusses attention on the what and how of our relationships to self, others, Earth, and life overall. She highlights mental objectivity, heart-felt cooperation (including with self! ;)) and harmony.


Aries Sun and Libra Moon together challenge us to balance our own individual needs and desires with those of the collective. It is a time to gaze at everything as if it was our mirror. We are advised to tune to our heart wisdom; align with our deepest values; and nourish ourselves with self-love (Venus now in Taurus).


There is some complexity and tension in the skies (conjunctions and squares now & for next week+) which may result in impatience, mis-communication, narrowness of vision, and possible conflict (Mars-Saturn square Moon, Sun and Mercury). It is a time cultivate neutrality and patience; and to seek peace and ease in nature’s beauty. Watch and listen for Crow’s magical assistance in the journey. Remember we are each good enough.


Hold in your hands the full Libra Moon
Fairness, grace and peace blessings now tune


Seek the mirror of your inner wellspring
reflecting you back in everything


Attend to the wise Crow and watch and listen
awaken the magick of your intuition


Honor all that you do and Be
Move in to all that sets you free


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet balance and
a fullness of beauty, peace and grace this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: Cut & modified pendant found on Etsy| hands: cut from moon lamp found on First Republik | crows: cut & modified a clipart inspired image