Wisdom Wild | Earth Day, each and every day


Earth Day, each and every day

22 Apr 2015, by Fiona in theme

150422_comp_x385It’s Earth Day! (isn’t everyday? ;))


I LOVE Earth and all that she provides. This is my ongoing and greatest Love Affair.

So wondrous, so magical, so beautiful, so …. everything!… and so much thanks-full-ness for Hir.


This day I invite you to take some moments to …



Receive the gifts of Earth and the wondrous things she brings.

Connect to the threads and rhythms throughout the Sacred web

Call the wild out to be seen, heard, scented, tasted, touched, and other-sensed

Dance to ground with Hir and honor all the seeds planted and nourished

Weave love and caring throughout your Being and all of Earth and Spirit

Feed this wondrous Earth day and celebrate the Magick

and, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing you much Earth love and fullness this day



[Images: Girl and Earth: Mary Englebrett; others from pinterest]