Wisdom Wild | Moon Dark-New in Libra


Moon Dark-New in Libra

12 Oct 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky


Welcome Moon Dark (exact at 1706pdt) in Libra

Release, renew, integrate, recalibrate…  Balance.


Both Sun and Moon call us to attend to balance in this time of integration post the eclipse season. Relations continue to be at the center of this ongoing storyline – body, mind, heart, spirit, self, other, personal, social, planetary.


At this dark Moon, we care called to move deeply within, release, release, release, and immerse ourselves in the heart of the deepest dark divine.


Today the Moon also activates a powerful conjunction (Venus Mars Jupiter, all in Virgo) supporting this deep Earthing. Draw on this Earth energy to ground peace, love, joy in new heart-ways of Being. And, in the days ahead, breathe into deep healing waters as Moon moves into Scorpio tomorrow (exact at 0238pdt) supported by transformative Neptune and healer Chiron both in Pisces.


We are at a new moment of awakening and rebirthing (New Moon + Sun & Moon opposite Uranus and squaring Pluto).


Drift now like feathers and
veils wafting in a gentle wind
shedding all that might impede or bind


Free Being
Stillness Being
Breathe Being
Love Being


in the feminine deep
earth cradled and
nourished by the waters of creation


dream into Being what is to be revealed
at the fullness of the shedding Moon


Nurture Your Nature
with Love & Light

May you feel the deep blessing and wondrous gift
of YOU and All relations this Dark-New Moon



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Image notes:  feathers cut from one of my paintings | fractal heart circle: adapted & modified from a2j3 on deviantArt | scales cut and digitalized from img found on pinterest