Wisdom Wild | Moon Dark-New in Libra


Moon Dark-New in Libra

08 Oct 2018, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact @2047)  in Libra


…. deep balance, integrity, compassion & freedom


The Earth-Sky energies continue to call us to open, extend our senses, unearth, and feel in to the ongoing flow of emotion. The quality of our connections and relations – with ourselves, others and the world – is emphasized, and ‘justice’ is a powerful theme for this cycle (Libra influence + Venus-R). Awareness of what feels ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is heightened (Sun/Moon square Pluto). It is a time to attend to our deepest desires, make things ‘right’ (Libra influence), and begin to initiate new creations


This Moon dark-new can be seen as a gateway to a deeper sense, and greater embodiment of freedom, peace, harmony, happiness, and empowered sovereignty. We are asked to investigate and understand both that which is way-making, and that which blocks the way to such embodiment and empowerment. Time to look at how, why and where our hearts are open or blocked. Time to dig down to the roots to reveal the truth so that old fears can be released and old wounds may be healed. (Strong urging & support for all this from Venus-R in Scorpio as of 3 days ago; will last 40 days/nights). Time to step more fully into the Light.


With all that is being activated, there is a strong need, even a craving for balance this Moon (Sun, Moon, Mercury & Ceres all in Libra). Balance of the kind that results from mindfulness, deep inner truth and a strong foundation of integrity, compassion and self-love. This is a time to dive ever deeper into our hearts to reassess and re-embrace all that we need, love and value. Time to set boundaries where they may be needed. Time to let Spirit flow. Time to develop and feed a passion for tender self-love and self-acceptance. Time to re-integrate and open to profound healing and transforming this Moon.


At Moon dark-new this auspicious night
dive deep into things both wrong and right


In the heart of the feminine deep
decide what you wish to clear or keep


Tune into all your connections
Let Spirit flow and feed your passions


Shine like Venus as the morning star
Nourish your radiance near and far


Nurture Your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing you newly empowered freedom
and the nourishment of fluid balance this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crow: cut & modified from greeting card, Photog unknown