Wisdom Wild | Moon Dark-New in Aquarius + partial Eclipse


Moon Dark-New in Aquarius + partial Eclipse

15 Feb 2018, by Fiona in moon&sky

180215_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @1305 PST) in Aquarius + partial eclipse


— release, clear, cleanse
    truth and freedom rebirth


Powerful energy for new beginnings! As always, Moon dark-new marks the beginning of a new cycle and a kind of ‘reset’. The energy for reset and new beginnings is amplified by an eclipse (partial solar eclipse viewable in parts of S.America & Anartica) that marks a clear division between past and future. We are called to release whatever interferes with the expression of our most brilliant selves; reframe our beliefs and patterns; open to new possibilities; and make way for new knowing. Letting go, cleansing, clarity, and new resolve are critical to the undertaking.


With all the Aquarius energy (Sun, Moon, eclipse and Mercury all in Aquarius and also conjunct) there is great potential for significant insights and transformational shifts – especially regarding the core Aquarian ideals of truth and freedom. There is greater communication and cooperation between the conscious and sub/unconscious; and support for getting to the root of and clearing out stubborn or entrenched beliefs and patterns (Mercury-Uranus sextile). We are called to create and embrace a new mindset; and to use intellect and memory as tools for expressing and actualizing the will of Spirit/Source/Divine.


Yes, all this eclipse-influenced energy may give rise to feeling a bit unsettled, agitated, restless and/or a bit drained today.  We’re still under Moon dark-new so go slow and move gently out of the feminine deep. Take time to pause, rest, and brighten the Light around you. This evening Moon will move into Pisces (1841 pst exact) and by the weekend more gentle and compassionate Piscean energy will flood in (Sun and Mercury both move into Pisces joining Venus, Neptune and Chiron already there). The Piscean energy will wash away any residual agitation; and helps us more deeply connect to our heart’s loving wisdom.


The start of Chinese New Earth Dog Year tomorrow brings the Earthy qualities of reliability, loyalty, and stability and helps us ground our strength and resolve. All planets continue direct supporting forward movement. It is time to source heart wisdom, trust our inner guidance, and plant seeds to birth new senses of creativity, freedom, truth, and radiant experience.


Release, release, release
Deep, deep, deep, find your ease


Now listen for the Wind-Waters rhythm section
Tune to elation, liberation & creation


Be guided by your heart’s navigation
With Spirit as your grace-filled foundation


Time to dance and seed anew
a radiant you, free and true


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you joy-full releasing, new found truth and freedom, and
radiant re-emergence this waxing Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Bronze: cut from image found at Iron Gate Garden Elements (sculptor unknown) | Pots: cut & modified from Of Design |