Wisdom Wild | Cross Quarter


Cross Quarter

07 Aug 2014, by Fiona in theme

Mask_wheat+grass_x385Greetings of the “Cross Quarter”!
We are half way between Solstice and Equinox!


It is a time to celebrate the Goddess and the gifts of the Earth.(Okay, it’s always time for that but this is one of those special times :))


In the North it is now half way between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. For some this is Lughnasadh or Lammas (the christianized version of Lugnasadh) which is now celebrated on August 1st or 2nd although the actual cross-quarter is today.


wheat20_x300It is the time of early harvest, of bringing in the wheat, of making bread.

It is a is a time to express love and gratitude to earth for her abundance, and for sharing the knowledge gained




In the South it is now half way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.


WheatGrass_2010_02_X300It is the time of the quickening, of new beginnings, of first appearance of new green. Imbolc, Brigid’s festival.

It is a time for refreshing for rededication to spirit.




Wherever you may be,

Fuel your heart fire
Pour water with love blessings
Breathe the air deeply
Give thanks to Earth beneath your feet


and, as always,


Nuture your Nature
with Love and Light