Wisdom Wild | Creature Teacher: Elephant


Creature Teacher: Elephant

14 Aug 2015, by Fiona in creatures

150814_elephant5_byGraemShannon-AssocPress_x300Creature Teacher: Elephant


There are several reasons that Elephant appears in this message as Creature Teacher this Moon day: Elephants have had a special place in my heart since I was very young; it was World Elephant Day on Wednesday; and Elephant, like Leo, is about love, honor, respect and big heartedness (and also about royalty ;)).


Elephants are sensitive, love-expressive creatures, caring and bonded to their kin. They are holders of past life knowledge and awakeners of ancient powers. They teach us about gentleness, strength, and vast, deeply woven connection in and beyond space and time.


Draw on the power medicine of Elephant, gentle, strong, deep and ancient as you Be in the heart of the void, empty and full, surrounded and held by earth-cosmic fire.


May Elephant Medicine always be with you in your sacred bundle,
honored, expressed and shared.


 ACTION WILD : For the Love of Elephants 150814_elephant_Kitten_pinterstCROPx300
As you may or may not know, elephants are not faring as well as they might be; in fact, they are increasingly endangered. I invite you to . . .


  • Send them love and protection; and energize intentions for their safety and well-being


  • Create and share an image of an elephant — any form — and post it to the Elegram Project. 20,000 handmade elephants = $150,000 to help Save Elephants.


  • Learn more about WED at


  • Investigate other ways to help elephants (petition here too)


Act on your Love of our Wise & Wild Kin. <3


Nurture your Nature, WisdomWild,
with Love & Light

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Image notes: Elephant Image1 by GraemeShannon.posted in Columbia Missourian article.
Elephant w/ Kitten found on pinterest