Wisdom Wild | Moons ahead. Dancing the Year


Moons ahead. Dancing the Year

20 Dec 2013, by Fiona in turnings


calendar journal

calendar journal

While this may not at first seem like magick or ritual, it is both for me. With candle glowing and music playing, I spend time preparing my journals for the new solar year.

The work  includes creating day x day moon phase visuals for each month and looking where the moons (new moons and full moons in particular) and the sabbats fall throughout the year.  I then enter the new and full moons and the sabbats on a full year page, on each month page, and on each appropriate daily page.

It may take a few days before the work is complete. Then, near and at Solstice, with the package of monthly, day x day moon and sabbat page visuals  in hand, I begin to ‘read.’

The movements of the moon and sabbats are fluid, shifting and changing like the cycling of Water through hir various forms, and undulating like ocean tides. The waves create patterns and energies that flow and ripple through me. I must dance.

I place myself, physically and emotionally in the flow and ripple, and feel the song. I breathe in the movement of moon and sun, pulling in and releasing energies as in a conversation. I feel a cosmic drum aligning my heart, and perhaps others’ hearts, with its beat.

The moons and sabbats inform my dance as notes inform a musician. I imbue those notes with grace, easeful rhythm and beauty and release them into the patterning, connected with the universal rhythm in breath, body and soul.

Page by page, I dance the year.

Come Dance with me!…. (more info coming soon)

Nurture your Nature

Wisdom Wild

With Love


PS: If I had a way to make a video of this w/ ease I’d show-share it with you. Perhaps some other time ;).

IMAGE NOTE:  The colorful calendar in the post image is by Michael Davis. Just found it a few days ago.  Tried to find a way to reach him without success but wanted to here honor his creation. Love it! Hugs, Fiona