Wisdom Wild | Moon full in Leo + Eclipse


Moon full in Leo + Eclipse

10 Feb 2017, by Fiona in moon&sky

170210_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full
(exact @ 1633 pst)

in Leo


+ Eclipse


… Love, honor, express


This full Moon carries megawatts of illumination (esp in concert with other earth-sky events) to help us see what must be seen. In Leo she calls forth and empowers big-heart love (nurturing and tough too), creativity, courage, and self-expression. In concert with Sun in Aquarius, we are called to bring focus to how we connect with our selves, and with the larger world/society, in ways that liberate, celebrate and honor All.


We are surrounded by a whole lot of powerful energies carrying a promise of good things and positive change – in concert with our focus and disciplined effort/action – and a whole lot of fire to empower our action (5 planets in fire signs + Grand Fire Trine: Moon-Leo, Saturn-Sag, Uranus-Aries). We are called to illuminate our hearts and souls; to engage with creativity; and to self- express with bold belief in ourselves, our truth and our passions. We are most definitely called out of hiding ;).


Energy flows in to strongly support balance between emotions, discipline and the desire for freedom (Grand Fire Trine). The energy is uplifting; supportive of positive change (Uranus), and provides a steadiness at the same time (Saturn’s effect). Any tensions (like Sun/Moon and Jupiter/Uranus opposition and ongoing cardinal cross) are offset by harmonies that soften effects (Mystic Rectangle; various trines & sextiles).


The harmonies help us integrate our knowledge and experience; lend fuel to our concentrated efforts; and provide new insights and fresh perspectives. The Sacred Geometry of certain alignments (Pentagram with Saturn atop Mystic Rectangle + point of Yod with wounded healer Chiron at apex) fuels faith and trust while also calling us to be courageously proactive, and to invest in spiritual strength as the foundation of all that we do.


Today’s penumbral eclipse (partial shadowing) opens the doors wide for the flow and expansion of positive change and all that is called forth by Leo Moon and Aquarius Sun. Although there’s not a lot of Earth in the elemental energies, the eclipse provides support for our roots.


This eclipse marks the start of a new cycle. Time now to clear-out and let go any vestiges of that which does not serve our sacred selves. Feed self-love strong and deep and let that power transform and transmute what does not aid or honor you. It is time to reset, re-center, and re-initiate. Time to be expansive and pioneering (Moon sextile Jupiter). Time to break through conventions and manifest visions (Sun sextile Uranus). Time to nurture the ‘temple’ inside and out. And, at this Moon-full, time to celebrate and honor all of you and all you do.


Leo Moon calls hearts to open wide
to flow Love and Grace high on the tide


Feel the power of the Guardians at your side
Embrace the wisdoms that are your guides


By Spirit, Earth, Air, Water and Fire,
see all the magick that has transpired.


Shine the Light on all you are and all you have done
Honor all you have nourished under Moon and Sun


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be filled with the Grace of you and All, &
be honored by the Magick you carry this Moon Full


 PS  Surprise! Look what was made at Moon-full exact! A rainbow! A sign of the Times! :)

170210_P1010007-CROP rainbow_x300






IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lion: cropped & modified from wallpaper | Sekhmet: cut & modified from img on S.Africa History Society site | pyramid: cut from image on aetherforce orgone site |