Wisdom Wild | Waning half-lit Moon in Aries


Waning half-lit Moon in Aries

27 Jun 2016, by Fiona in moon&sky

160627_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Last Quarter Moon in Aries (exact at 1119 pdt)

Rest & rejuvenate in the land of your heart


‘Tis the waning Moon and time to attend to the wisdom she carries.


We’ve had two full Moons in Sag in a row with the new Moon of the first cycle in May initiating energies that would grow through two cycles culminating with Moon full last week. The energies have been in-tense and challenging at times as old beliefs are challenged and transformed by other ways of perceiving, serving and connecting.


Hearts have opened; love overcomes fear and radiates more expansively; and healing powers are strong (intensified now as Chiron moves retrograde). The desire to transform continues (Venus is Opposite Pluto Thursday) as we continue to dig for the roots (Merc moves to Cancer on Thursday) and explore what can be released and what new ways may be claimed (Mars in Scorpio moves direct Thursday)


It is time to pause now under the waning Moon. Time to gather up and reflect upon the learning of this cycle… and release. Draw on the Sun in Cancer to focus on your innermost dwelling place and gently tend emotions that are carried in the waters. Receive the wisdom of Falcon, Aries’ totem animal, and attend to the natural rhythms of your body and the surround . Draw on the fire of Aries Moon and honor the fire within with deepening self care. It is time to breathe in all that has been enlightened, and to let go into rest and rejuvenation in the deepening dark.


Move in to the forest of your heart,
deep green, moss soft, nourished by Fern and Tree;


or to the mountain, clear, fresh, and
strong of rock graced with lichen medicine


or into the desert to commune with aunt and uncle Saguaro,
their arms raised in greeting;


or to wherever is the land in which your heart most joyfully dwells
the place where exists an inherent sense of calm and well-being
and a connection to all good things,
the place of Great Spirit, yours and All in everything.


Trace the patterns of leaf, lichen and between-spine glossy skin
the lace and filigree of energies woven
in Earth, Air, Water, Fire and all our Kin
the essence of All, our internal Zen.


Enter there now and take rest, this place of peace, your sacred nest,

Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




May you rest in the peace and serenity of your grace-filled heart
this waning Moon



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Sky Background: source N/A | Ram: found on Bing; webSource N/A | Falcon: Cut & modified from sculpture found on NatureArtists

  • Flamingo Gypsy Susan Daniel Reply

    DEAR! Fiona~ I am going into the forest of my heart [the woods on the walk down to the river in my backyard] and raising my arms like aunt and uncle Saguaro! I am flinging my arms and legs out like a star and resting as I float in the river. Thank you for your wisdom words that bid me to be here now…