Wisdom Wild | Moon Dark-New in Aries


Moon Dark-New in Aries

24 Mar 2020, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact 200324 @0228 PDT) in Aries


… courage, strength, new vision, rebirth… 


Moon dark-new reminds us that in any moment, there is an opportunity to begin anew. Sun is now in Aries, the first sign of the new astrological year. Moon dark-new is in Aries too. Our Spirits are enlivened. We are entering a fresh cycle and energy is calling for new, new, new (further supported by Saturn now in Aqua and Mars soon). It’s a time of renewal and a time ripe for new ideas, new insights, and new inspiration.


We have been under some big pressures for some time (Capricorn energy + Saturn effect continuing  2017-2023). In the last weeks we have been experiencing increasing restrictions (Saturn + expect more with Jup-Eris Thurs) on gathering in community with others (Aqua); and we’re learning more (Saturn) about our interconnections and interdependencies (Aqua). Attention to health and well-being is at the core (activated by Chiron). Now, Aries infuses us with passion, courage, strong will, determination and confidence. The heaviness of earthy energy is beginning to lift (Aries Sun/Moon + Saturn now in Aqua and Mars soon) and Firey energy calls us to new action.


Time to move out of the dark and into the Light. Time to re-energize. Time to revitalize. Time to rise to face whatever challenges appear before us. Time for positive change. Time for new visions, new ways of seeing/Being, new learning, new innovations, and grassroots activation for the benefit of All (Saturn in Aqua). It’s time to seek transformation and rebirth.


Ignite the Fire of Aries within
Time to start to begin anew again


As a new born lamb waking in the field
open eyes wide to all that’s been revealed


Change, challenge and shift has now come
Hold your vision for the long run


Time to take new steps upon the Earth
Time to dance in courageous rebirth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a freshness of Being,
sweet at-tuning, and
wondrous visions this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Happy Lamb: cut & modified image found on Country Living by Peter Cade | (Flowers- photos by Fiona)