Wisdom Wild | Creature Teacher: Weaving Spider


Creature Teacher: Weaving Spider

18 Apr 2015, by Fiona in creatures

150418_spider_web_001_x226Creature Teacher: Spider Weaving.


Three spiders greeted me today, small, dense, black, and soft-furred. They appeared on ceiling, window and in protected corner. Their positions opened doors to reflection.


Spider is associated with the energy of creation, and of the spiral form that links past to present and future. S/he reminds us that we are the weavers of our webs; that our attention today weaves the future.


Spider teaches about maintaining balance between past and future, inner worlds and outer worlds, material and spiritual, and, of the creative force of the feminine. Draw on Spider for combining gentleness, strength and agility.


Spider teach us to weave a web of gossamer strands
strong in center and gently stretching out
seen by the light of Sun and Moon,
shining with rainbows in each drop of rain.


May Spider help you…


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light,



[unknown photographer] 



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